Dr. Mohammad Salem Khalaf OudatAssociate Professordrmohammad.o@uaqu.ac.aeDr. Mohammad Oudat is currently working as an Associate Professor in the College of Business Administration, Umm Al Quwain University, UAE. Dr. Oudat received his Ph.D. in financial and banking sciences from University Science Islam Malaysia in 2016. He got Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice of University Education - University of Bahrain (2018) in addition, he earned Higher Education Academy Fellowship (HEA), UK, (2018). His research interests include Corporate Finance, Stock Market, Financial Risks, Macroeconomics and FinTech. He has authored of many research articles related to the finance field, published in different ranking international journals. Dr. Oudat is serving as member of editorial board in well-ranked international journals in his field of specialization. He has taught both undergraduate and postgraduate programs throughout his academic career. He teaches managerial finance, corporate finance, financial markets and institutions, international financial management, advanced capital budgeting, banking management and risk and insurance management. Before joining UAQU in 2022, Dr. Oudat was assistant professor of finance at Applied Science University (ASU), Bahrain. He held several academic lead roles in addition to teaching in different programmes, including Programme Leader for Master of Accounting and Finance (MAF), supervising and reviewing students’ projects (Master and Bachelor). Member in Accounting and Finance department counsel, member of graduation projects evaluation committee, member of discussion committee for students’ training reports.